Tudh Aavat Mera Mann Tann Hareya | DhadrianWale

quDu Awvq myrw mnu qnu hirAw hir jsu qum sMig gwvnw

Shabad Video by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa DhadrianWale.

Guru Manyo GranthChetna Samagam - Tudh Aavat Mera Mann Tann Hareya

quDu Awvq myrw mnu qnu hirAw hir jsu qum sMig gwvnw
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Gurbani Shabad

  • mwrU mhlw 5 ]
  • Awau jI qU Awau hmwrY hir jsu sRvn sunwvnw ]1] rhwau ]
  • quDu Awvq myrw mnu qnu hirAw hir jsu qum sMig gwvnw ]1]
  • sMq ikRpw qy ihrdY vwsY dUjw Bwau imtwvnw ]2]
  • Bgq dieAw qy buiD prgwsY durmiq dUK qjwvnw ]3]
  • drsnu Bytq hoq punIqw punrip griB n pwvnw ]4]
  • nau iniD iriD isiD pweI jo qumrY min Bwvnw ]5]
  • sMq ibnw mY Qwau n koeI Avr n sUJY jwvnw ]6]
  • moih inrgun kau koie n rwKY sMqw sMig smwvnw ]7]
  • khu nwnk guir clqu idKwieAw mn mDy hir hir rwvnw ]8]2]5]

Gurbani Shabad Translation

  • Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:
  • Please come, O please come into the home of my heart, that I may hear with my ears the Lord's Praises. ||1||Pause||
  • With your coming, my soul and body are rejuvenated, and I sing with you the Lord's Praises. ||1||
  • By the Grace of the Saint, the Lord dwells within the heart, and the love of duality is eradicated. ||2||
  • By the kindness of the devotee, the intellect is enlightened, and pain and evil-mindedness are eradicated. ||3||
  • Beholding the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, one is sanctified, and is no longer consigned to the womb of reincarnation. ||4||
  • The nine treasures, wealth and miraculous spiritual powers are obtained, by one who is pleasing to Your mind. ||5||
  • Without the Saint, I have no place of rest at all; I cannot think of any other place to go. ||6||
  • I am unworthy; no one gives me sanctuary. But in the Society of the Saints, I merge in God. ||7||
  • Says Nanak, the Guru has revealed this miracle; within my mind, I enjoy the Lord, Har, Har. ||8||2||5||
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"Mai Hindu hon to bavjood v mai sant ranjit singh dhadriya wale ji da fan haan, saral te sapast gl krde ne"
Mai Hindu hon to bavjood v mai sant ranjit singh dhadriya wale ji da fan haan, saral te sapast gl krde ne, jo ki har ik nu samjh aa jandi hai.waheguru ji ehna te idda hi kirpa banayi rakhan.
_ Gulshan Dhawan, Pehowa - Haryana

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