Jind Nimaani Kadiye Hada Ku Karkaaye | DhadrianWale
Shabad Video by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa DhadrianWale.
Jind Nimaani Kadiye Hada Ku Karkaaye
ਜਿੰਦੁ ਨਿਮਾਣੀ ਕਢੀਐ ਹਡਾ ਕੂ ਕੜਕਾਇUploaded by on 14.08.2020
Gurbani Shabad
- slok syK PrId ky
- <> siqgur pRswid ]
- ijqu idhwVY Dn vrI swhy ley ilKwie ]
- mlku ij kMnI suxIdw muhu dyKwly Awie ]
- ijMdu inmwxI kFIAY hfw kU kVkwie ]
- swhy ilKy n clnI ijMdU kUM smJwie ]
- ijMdu vhutI mrxu vru lY jwsI prxwie ]
- Awpx hQI joil kY kY gil lgY Dwie ]
- vwlhu inkI purslwq kMnI n suxI Awie ]
- PrIdw ikVI pvMdIeI KVw n Awpu muhwie ]1]
Gurbani Shabad Translation
- Shaloks Of Shaykh Fareed Jee:
- One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
- The day of the bride's wedding is pre-ordained.
- On that day, the Messenger of Death, of whom she had only heard, comes and shows its face.
- It breaks the bones of the body and pulls the helpless soul out.
- That pre-ordained time of marriage cannot be avoided. Explain this to your soul.
- The soul is the bride, and death is the groom. He will marry her and take her away.
- After the body sends her away with its own hands, whose neck will it embrace?
- The bridge to hell is narrower than a hair; haven't you heard of it with your ears?
- Fareed, the call has come; be careful now - don't let yourself be robbed. ||1||
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"I am a new person"
Dear Bhai Sahib, I am sehajdhari and soon will take amrit. I am a carpenter with less education. I had so many confusions earlier. I am listening your kirtan for last 2 years. All my confusions are solved. I am even able to answers questions to other people who are still living in blind faith and follow useless brahmanvadi rituals. Thank you very much for sending gurbani true message to sangat. I pray for your chardi kala.
_ Dipender Singh - London
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