Eh Man Sunder Apna | Dhadrian Wale

iehu mnu suMdir Awpxw hir nwim mjITY rMig rI

Shabad Video by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa DhadrianWale.

Guru Manyo Granth Chetna Samagam - Eh Man Sunder Apna

iehu mnu suMdir Awpxw hir nwim mjITY rMig rI
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Gurbani Shabad

  • Awsw mhlw 5 ]
  • sMqw kI hoie dwsrI eyhu Acwrw isKu rI ]
  • sgl guxw gux aUqmo Brqw dUir n ipKu rI ]1]
  • iehu mnu suMdir Awpxw hir nwim mjITY rMig rI ]
  • iqAwig isAwxp cwqurI qUM jwxu gupwlih sMig rI ]1] rhwau ]
  • Brqw khY su mwnIAY eyhu sIgwru bxwie rI ]
  • dUjw Bwau ivswrIAY eyhu qMbolw Kwie rI ]2]
  • gur kw sbdu kir dIpko ieh sq kI syj ibCwie rI ]
  • AwT phr kr joiV rhu qau BytY hir rwie rI ]3]
  • iqs hI cju sIgwru sBu sweI rUip Apwir rI ]
  • sweI suohwgix nwnkw jo BwxI krqwir rI ]4]16]118]

Gurbani Shabad Translation

  • Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
  • Become the servant of the Saints, and learn this way of life.
  • Of all virtues, the most sublime virtue is to see your Husband Lord near at hand. ||1||
  • So, dye this mind of yours with the color of the Lord's Love.
  • Renounce cleverness and cunning, and know that the Sustainer of the world is with you. ||1||Pause||
  • Whatever your Husband Lord says, accept that, and make it your decoration.
  • Forget the love of duality, and chew upon this betel leaf. ||2||
  • Make the Word of the Guru's Shabad your lamp, and let your bed be Truth.
  • Twenty-four hours a day, stand with your palms pressed together, and the Lord, your King, shall meet you. ||3||
  • She alone is cultured and embellished, and she alone is of incomparable beauty.
  • She alone is the happy soul-bride, O Nanak, who is pleasing to the Creator Lord. ||4||16||118||
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Sangats' Feedback

"Thanks for yout logical and thruthful gurmat teachings"
Dear Bhai Ranjit Singh Khalsa Ji, I want to thank you for your logical, practical and truthful gurmat teaching which is 100% right. Personally I am 100% behind the stand that you are taking. The corrupt Sikh establishment system that pushes false teachings/literature and seeks only to make money and makes zero positive contribution to the lives of ordinary Sikhs is totally worthless and irrelevant. The actions of these corrupt people are unforgivable. The Guru Sahibs gave us a priceless Sikhi and demonstrated how to live by it in reality. It is up to every individual honest Sikh to personally reject these corrupt people and also make a stand in this age of democracy/freedom of thinking. Thank you once more.
_ Kuldip Singh, Bedford - United Kingdom

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