Shabad Vichar Simrat Bed Puran Pukaran Pothiya - DhadrianWale
isimRiq byd purwx pukwrin poQIAw
Shabad MP3 Audio by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Dhadrianwale
Gurbani Shabad
- sUhI mhlw 5 ]
- isimRiq byd purwx pukwrin poQIAw ]
- nwm ibnw siB kUVu gwl@I hoCIAw ]1]
- nwmu inDwnu Apwru Bgqw min vsY ]
- jnm mrx mohu duKu swDU sMig nsY ]1] rhwau ]
- moih bwid AhMkwir srpr ruMinAw ]
- suKu n pwiein@ mUil nwm ivCuMinAw ]2]
- myrI myrI Dwir bMDin bMiDAw ]
- nrik surig Avqwr mwieAw DMiDAw ]3]
- soDq soDq soiD qqu bIcwirAw ]
- nwm ibnw suKu nwih srpr hwirAw ]4]
- Awvih jwih Anyk mir mir jnmqy ]
- ibnu bUJy sBu vwid jonI Brmqy ]5]
- ijn@ kau Bey dieAwl iqn@ swDU sMgu BieAw ]
- AMimRqu hir kw nwmu iqn@I jnI jip lieAw ]6]
- Kojih koit AsMK bhuqu AnMq ky ]
- ijsu buJwey Awip nyVw iqsu hy ]7]
- ivsru nwhI dwqwr Awpxw nwmu dyhu ]
- gux gwvw idnu rwiq nwnk cwau eyhu ]8]2]5]16]
Gurbani Shabad Translation
- Soohee, Fifth Mehl:
- The Simritees, the Vedas, the Puraanas and the other holy scriptures proclaim
- that without the Naam, everything is false and worthless. ||1||
- The infinite treasure of the Naam abides within the minds of the devotees.
- Birth and death, attachment and suffering, are erased in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||1||Pause||
- Those who indulge in attachment, conflict and egotism shall surely weep and cry.
- Those who are separated from the Naam shall never find any peace. ||2||
- Crying out, Mine! Mine!, he is bound in bondage.
- Entangled in Maya, he is reincarnated in heaven and hell. ||3||
- Searching, searching, searching, I have come to understand the essence of reality.
- Without the Naam, there is no peace at all, and the mortal will surely fail. ||4||
- Many come and go; they die, and die again, and are reincarnated.
- Without understanding, they are totally useless, and they wander in reincarnation. ||5||
- They alone join the Saadh Sangat, unto whom the Lord becomes Merciful.
- They chant and meditate on the Ambrosial Name of the Lord. ||6||
- Uncounted millions, so many they are endless, search for Him.
- But only that one, who understands his own self, sees God near at hand. ||7||
- Never forget me, O Great Giver - please bless me with Your Naam.
- To sing Your Glorious Praises day and night - O Nanak, this is my heart-felt desire. ||8||2||5||16||
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Sangats' Feedback
"Intepretation of Gurbani with examples from contemporary realities of life are so beautifully explained in samagams"
During lockdown came across preaching's of Dhadrianwale Ji. Intepretation of Gurbani with examples from contemporary realities of life are so beautifully explained in samagams. Born into sikh religion, but was blindly following it, without really knowing true meanings. Though my parents were followers of Sant Ishar Singh Rarewale. After his demise our visits to rara sahib became less frequent. When i grew up always has spiritual inclination but could not relate to Sikhism. Joined Art of Living, through which learnt sudarshan kriya, always felt SGPC did not do anything to promote teachings of sikhism among youth and all age groups. But really happy to listen to Bhai Ranjit Singh ji, his understanding of contemporary issues and relating it with Gurbani is commendable on all issues such as female foeticide, greed, anger, girl child, farmer suicides, family problems and inter-personal relations. What even intellectuals could not do, bhai ji is doing reaching out to people and working on consciousness raising of people. Would like to seek appointment to meet him in person, to seek his blessing.
_ Dr Upneet Kaur, Punjab University - Chandigarh
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