Sajjan Mere Rangle New Shabad Full HD Dhadrianwale - DhadrianWale

sjx myry rMguly jwie suqy jIrwix

Shabad MP3 Audio by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Dhadrian wale

Gurbani Shabad

  • isrIrwgu mhlw 1 Gru 2 ]
  • Dnu jobnu Aru PulVw nwTIAVy idn cwir ]
  • pbix kyry pq ijau Fil Fuil juMmxhwr ]1]
  • rMgu mwix lY ipAwirAw jw jobnu nau hulw ]
  • idn QoVVy Qky BieAw purwxw colw ]1] rhwau ]
  • sjx myry rMguly jwie suqy jIrwix ]
  • hM BI vMw fumxI rovw JIxI bwix ]2]
  • kI n suxyhI gorIey Awpx kMnI soie ]
  • lgI Awvih swhurY inq n pyeIAw hoie ]3]
  • nwnk suqI pyeIAY jwxu ivrqI sMin ]
  • guxw gvweI gMTVI Avgx clI bMin ]4]24]

Gurbani Shabad Translation

  • Siree Raag, First Mehl, Second House:
  • Wealth, the beauty of youth and flowers are guests for only a few days.
  • Like the leaves of the water-lily, they wither and fade and finally die. ||1||
  • Be happy, dear beloved, as long as your youth is fresh and delightful.
  • But your days are few-you have grown weary, and now your body has grown old. ||1||Pause||
  • My playful friends have gone to sleep in the graveyard.
  • In my double-mindedness, I shall have to go as well. I cry in a feeble voice. ||2||
  • Haven't you heard the call from beyond, O beautiful soul-bride?
  • You must go to your in-laws; you cannot stay with your parents forever. ||3||
  • O Nanak, know that she who sleeps in her parents' home is plundered in broad daylight.
  • She has lost her bouquet of merits; gathering one of demerits, she departs. ||4||24||

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Sangats' Feedback

"He is trying with all his might and main to bring back the sikh community to pure teachings of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji"
He is trying with all his might and main to bring back the sikh community to the original & pure teachings of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and trying to extricate the community from century old psychologically imposed humbugs. And the thing which is important here is, he is doing all this by putting his life in a threat.
_ Vishnu Bishnoi, Bhopal

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